Malmö (Sweden)
Demo 1 – Test of flexibility using Smart Charging
- Investigate flexibility potential in public parking with smart charging
- Two parking garages for demonstration:
- Multi storey car park Anna (12 Virta charging points)
- Multi storey car park in Hyllie (16 Virta charging points)
Specific goals for Demo 1:
- phase 1, controlling charging power at certain peak times and more dynamically through URL
- phase 2, controlling charging power based on charging duration and/or charged kwhs
- phase 3, analysing EON specified customer`s charging time and charging energy and reduce charging power of customers who fulfil predefined rules
Demo 2 – Test of flexibility in a facility with heat pumps and district heating
Scope: Understand the potential for flexibility for peak shaving and capacity usage for power in commercial buildings with different heating solutions.
Background: The demo site, shopping center Triangel in Malmö has both offices, restaurants, stores and living spaces and has an energy solution with both heat pumps and district heating.
Specific goals for Demo 2
Investigate potential for flexibility to the power system by:
- Flexibility in heat generation with heat pump through thermal inertia in building, utilizing CESO for load management
- Flexibility in supply through shifting heat source from power-based heating (heat pump) to district heating
- Flexibility in ventilation, demonstrate the potential for flexibility by moving ventilation in time e.g. step tests to see how the reduction is affecting defined set-values/or indicators in the indoor climate
Demo 3 – Testing large- scale battery in process industry
We will test DSO flexibility with a large-scale battery at an industry site. The site to be determined.
Specific goals for Demo 3:
The industry needs redundancy and the goal with this demo is to test the possibility to also deliver capacity and frequency, in order to fully utilize the battery.
Demo 4 – Flexibility on construction sites
Investigate electricity demand and profiles for various needs/demands on an active city construction site. Investigate flexibility potential for various demands, e.g. drying concrete, cranes, construction facilities, tools etc.
Demo site: Solkvarteret (Sun quarter) in Hyllie. Project starts Q1 2020 and goes on for 1-2 years.
Specific goals for Demo 4:
The demonstration should provide support in understanding:
- How much energy could be saved if managed more actively at a construction site
- How big the potential for flexibility e.g. move load/energy usage in time
- Commercial aspects and system benefits of above aspects
- Potential in additional local assets e.g. battery and PV for load balancing