Concepts, Planning, Demonstration and Replication of Local User-friendly Energy Communities (CLUE)
Project duration
Start: 01.10.2019
End: 31.03.2023
Demo sites
Austria, Germany,
Scotland, Sweden
Project costs
7.061.301 €
ERA Net Smart Grids Plus RegSYS 1. Call (2018)
Project Overview
CLUE will acquire knowledge on optimized design, planning and operation of Local Energy Communities (LECs) and will develop a tool kit for planning and operation as key elements for successful replication and upscaling of LECs. Research and development will be executed on technologies with the focus on flexibilities and sector coupling for LEC energy systems, on services by developing business models and recommendations on improved regulatory framework and on stakeholder involvement by partnering with developers and service providers and integrating consumer, prosumer, and organizer of LECs in a living-lab concept. CLUE is executed by leading European research institutes, industry, and local partners, working together in five demo sites in four countries. By implementing and testing different technological and market solutions and executing a cross-country analysis, CLUE is able to develop optimized LEC solutions in dependency on country and site-specific framework conditions.
In an innovation lab in Austria, flexibility from electric-mobility combined with contact-less automatic charging will be integrated and supported by the blockchain technology for clearing. Furthermore, the combination of a central storage and intelligent energy management systems will be implemented within the second Austrian demo site. In both demonstration sites, the local tool kit will be implemented and validated in a proof-of-concept.